Examining the Meaning of Charism in Spirituality
Paul Wasser is a resident of Mount Sinai, New York, and has spent his career working in various roles in healthcare and administration. In 2019, Paul Wasser was honored by the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Amityville, who base their lives on the spirit of Charism.
The term charism can be used in a number of different contexts. When it comes to religion and spirituality, it refers to the power given by the Holy Spirit to members of a church to do the work of the church and God. Charisms have been inspiring people for hundreds of years, acting as signs of joy and hope in the world. Some institutions refer to charisms as special gifts endowed to Christians to allow them to spread the gospel and word of God to better the world.
There are three signs to look for with a charism, starting with experiencing inner peace and heightened energy when using the gift and helping others. A charism is supposed to energize the user when doing good things. Having extremely successful results that usually wouldn’t happen when trying to accomplish a task is another sign. Finally, others may also recognize the direct or indirect impact of a charism.